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Lesley Snay

      I mix my knowledge of craft, painting, and photography to create art pieces that contain an exploration of the self.  My main focus within my current work is on women and complex emotions.  I aim to create work that women can relate to and interact with.  I use organic and textured forms such as the female body as well as tree symbolism to find beauty within every emotion, including those that seem less than beautiful.  My work also reflects themes in my personal life including adversity and the resolutions that transpire.  The tree motif shows itself in various ways throughout my work and has special meaning each time I use it.  Trees represent growth yet create a sense of belonging and home.  I utilize the tree motif also as a way to symbolize the strength of Mother Nature and ultimately the resilience of women. 
         My work is comprised of layers of materials such as ink, graphite, and dye.  I am intensely process oriented.  Every layer that I place onto the muslin that I work with is thought out and methodical.  I will continue to add little “gems” that the viewer can look for such as sewn details.  For me sewing adds not only a tactile texture, but a layer of human connectedness.  I feel that I can delve into personal emotion through these layers that I continually add until I feel the piece is complete.

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